Monday, December 15, 2014

Student Activities

For each student you can indicate what activities they take part in.

Unfortunately, this list of activities often does not contain all the activities needed for you school, in particular, ones specific to your school. As a result, here is a new suggested method to allow you to record any activities for a student or even their parents. You can then make them the current selection to print reports, change attendance, contact with Alert, etc...

Record the Activity in the Custom_Text3 Field 

Method 1
  1. Select the student 
  2. Click Custom Screens --> School Use Only 

Method 2
  1. Select the group of students
  2. Choose "Student Field Value"
  3. In the top line enter Custom_Text3 and in the bottom line the activity.

Note: You should use the exact same wording and case for each student. Also, you can add more than 1 activity for each student.

Student Activity Listing Report

Once you have recorded the student activities in Custom_Text3, you can run the Student Activity Listing Report. Make sure you search with the same wording and case you used when you entered the activities.

Start Page --> System Reports --> SQL Reports --> Demographics --> Student Activity Listing

Once you run the report, you can click the "Make Current Selection" to work with the students. 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Student Log Entries

Log Entries are a great way to record non-discipline related information on a student (e.g. conversations or meetings with the student or parents, when attendance letters are sent home, record of injuries that happened at school, record of when parents pick-up portal access, etc). Log entries can be entered by all staff in either PowerSchool and PowerTeacher. Teachers only see log entries they have added on a student while administrators can see all the log entries entered on a student.

How to enter Log Entries

The screen to enter the new log entry is the same in both PowerSchool and PowerTeacher.

Getting to that screen:


Select the student --> Select Log Entries on the left under Administration --> Click New


1. Click on the backpack for the class containing the student.

2. Select the student --> Choose New Log Entry from the screen selection drop-down --> Click New

Viewing Log Entries:

1. You can select the student and navigate to the Log Entries screen.

2. Office staff, you can select a student or a group of students and run a new sqlreport I created.

Startpage --> Select Student(s) --> System Reports --> SQLReports --> School Level Reports --> Log Entry Summary (