Saturday, November 29, 2014

Envelope Report

I have created an envelope report - "Envelop (Size 10) - To the Parents of". Please give it a try to see if it would work in your school. If you need the orientation changed, the report modified or you have another envelope report you would like created, please let me know.

To print the report select the student(s) and hit print a report. You will find the report in the list.

Attendance Comments

Anytime you enter a non-present attendance code on the Enter Attendance screen for a student you are provided with a place to enter a comment. Click on the speech balloon and a pop-up window will open. These comments could be reasons for the absence or the time the student arrived late for classes.

I have created 2 reports to pull these comments.

1. Attendance Comments Report (Current Selection) - For the current student selection from the startpage this report lists the student number, first name, last name, attendance date, course number, period, attendance code and attendance comment for only those students who have an attendance comment. (

Code: Here

2. Full Attendance Report (Current Selection) - For the current student selection from the startpage this report lists all attendance information for the students including attendance date, course number, period, attendance codes and the attendance comments. (

Code: Here